Thursday, April 21, 2022

themeless no. 14

i thought we'd be here sooner this week, honestly. i had a complete grid last saturday but it was ugly. i spent monday and tuesday making three more grids...that i wasn't happy with. a few more iterations and mild crises later, here this is! i tried to make this one a little smoother sailing than #13, but we'll see how it plays.

this puzzle is brought to you by a 32 oz. jamaica, engaging in mutually assured destruction with crossfire, and mascaras with inexplicably horny names (i am here to DIS-endorse better than sex, perversion, and mile high club. in this house we love and support monsieur big, fetisheyes, and climax.) i would also like to note that i was lauded for showing 'admirable restraint' with one of these clues. it's called personal growth!

"""thank you""" to quiara for the test solve, and kate for being my 3am anxiety sounding board. if you're an avcx subscriber, you'll also be seeing a "themed" puzzle from me this weekend.

(p.s.— please let me know if you stream it!)


Thursday, April 14, 2022

themeless no. 13: that crosstina you like is going to come back in style

you can't be missed if you never go away
did you miss me? it's been so long...

thanks to luis and alex for test solves!


Sunday, April 10, 2022

themeless no. 12

whoomp, here it is.  

not much preamble for this one— i actually filled this puzzle three (3) unique ways in one (1) day, and ultimately resigned myself to this version as my best and final. in the immortal words of cher horowitz: it's a full-on monet. if you look too close it's a little ugly (i think i called it cardboard and horse glue?) but i am not displeased with the full effect of the thing. this grid was on the ambitious side, so the result is similarly...y'know what? i'll just let you look at it yourself! have a great week. 

p.s.- f's in the chat for this grid which, somehow, has none. no clue how i managed that.

thanks to franci, noted tom nook apologist, for the test solve!