Thursday, May 16, 2024

themeless no. 32 (feat. erik agard)

welcome to the redesigned crosstina! i forgot i changed the header a few weeks ago and jumpscared myself. i still have a hard time believing that this thing has been going (at varying speeds) since late 2021. what a time to be alive!

to paraphrase a haus of decline comic, it's a treat to make something and pour your excitement and joy and love and all that important stuff into it, in hopes that whoever then experiences the thing gets a share of that. to make those things with friends is even more special, so it's a real thrill to have erik here again! it's been a while since our last blog collab, but erik is in high demand and i have been very busy eating stale swedish fish and trying every limited edition coke flavor. you understand, surely.

a note from erik

what an honor, joy, and privilege to be able to bring you another Crosstina Collab! hope you enjoy it and your day! 

and that's all we wrote! besides the puzzle. good luck, have fun, wear your sunscreen, and be kind.

[ FULLSCREEN | JPZ | PDF ] [ puzzles for palestine | these puzzles fund abortion ]


  1. amazing grid! amazing clues! espec 51a, 58a, 64a, 9d, 23d

  2. I had so many "holy shit, amazing" moments solving this. a few personal highlights: 58A, 23D, 27A, 7D, but there were so many great clues. a couple of other personal highlights: getting 63A without going to a more sensible browser that would display the emoji properly; guessing [redacted in case of spoiling] for 1D in a desperate punt helping me with some across answers and thus opening up the road to the actual answer. thank you, this was so fun to solve!

  3. highlight after highlight- thank you both! crosstina cluing voice is the best our industry has to offer
